JNP Sports



John Nunes is a 3rd generation LOCAL Sonoma County Photographer.  John was born and raised in Petaluma and has been photographing for the past 29 years.


 John Nunes Photography offers one of a kind out of the box sports photography

with cool innovative and edgy products, for High School Sports,

Youth Leagues, Travel Leagues and Tournaments.

Our sports program offers a coach or a league everything they need.

-Teams and Individuals

-Individual custom designed posters

-Team Panoramics

-Traditional or edgy products and  backgrounds

-Fundraising team posters and banners

-Cash back programs

-Free coach and sponsor plaques

-Local customer service

And most importantly we are a local photographer



How is there customer service? Are they offering you products that look like they were designed in the 1970’s. Have you been getting calls from team mom saying that the photographer took a long time or that the quality was bad or that they have never received there pictures.

Have you wanted to make a change just never had any other options. You NOW have an option! Let us update your sports photography today. Let us show you what we can do for you. You will not be disappointed.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOUR SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY TO THE NEXT LEVEL…Call us today at 707 765-6853 or you can email us.

Check out some of our sports photography programs that we offer:


Check out our SPORTS GALLERY to see some of our cool products and backgrounds that we offer.





Our individual Team Panos are unique and shows off each players personality as well as the teams spirit!




We offer many ways of fundraising

  • Team and Individual banners
  • Schedule  sponsor posters
  • Senior banners
  • Sports lawn signs
  • Event badges





Our most popular fundraising is our Team Panoramic Banner program. This program offers teams a great way to fundraise. Designed for High school programs, some have raised over $2000 per team.  Within the last couple years we have donated or raised over $30,000 for our local high school sports programs.